WaiFi.com: Free and easy WiFi Hotspots finder.

At WaiFi.com, finding free hotspots is easy and free. When you are away from your office or home, it can be frustrating to find free WiFi access points that are reliable and secure. That’s why we created WaiFi.com.
Now there’s no excuse for not checking your e-mail!

Stay connected Worldwide.

Today's fast-paced environment is making wireless access a must-have resource for people around the world. Whether it's for business or pleasure, laptops and handheld devices are keeping WiFi signals busy in airports, hotels, restaurants, and thousands of other locations.
We get you connected, from Hong Kong to Montana!

Easy, Secure, and best of all, FREE!

Whether you are on your laptop, mobile phone, or portable media player, WiFi connections should just work. WaiFi.com is here to make WiFi connectivity easy, secure, and free!

Expand our WiFi Hotspots database.

Help out fellow WiFi seekers by adding your favorite WiFi Hotspots access points to the map. It’s easy and only takes a few seconds.